
要是可愛 為何冇人愛我 夜夜獨自一個 祈求誰來家裏坐坐

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


呢排自己都係好無聊...返學...working...sleeping....不過呢排洗少左好多錢....除左食...哂左好多錢之外...同埋呢排好似生蟲甘...食極都唔飽......呢排都有d唔開心事....返工返得耐就會開始發覺自己多方面的不足....要好好努力裝備自己....等得閒d個時..就去學日文....再學好英文,電腦....跟住可以既話就take up 返d 會計...因為係社會中發覺自己太弱.....好易被人淘汰....



  • At 21/3/07 10:02 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


  • At 22/3/07 10:58 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    你好得ga la..
    at least 你會自我反省!
    u can get you want

  • At 25/3/07 10:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Wei, Money Black Hole!!!

    y so emotional ar !~?
    self-reflection . .. sounds gd, i think u did arrive ur intersection, it's time for u to confirm ur position and ask urself " Why am i here ?!", Once u ask urself, u should have a brainstorming and set ur goal in order to achieve. Gd luck then !!~

    btw, wanna u to leave Joan a msg from me, i wanna support her as well, but unfortunately i couldn't leave her a comment on her blog. As i know, she got injured on the loving game again . .. told her frd must support her in always ga !!
    and also gd luck to u and Toothpick Kao ar !!

  • At 30/3/07 10:08 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    To: Man and Kao,
    you also don't look grey...you see me good, but actually I am not...

    To: Manuel,
    Thank you for your encouragement...
    Joan know your message already and she feel very touch and thank you wor...you also need to add oil in Melbourne....keep in touch la...never see you online... more come to our blog la...


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